Public Health Ukraine

Date: 05-07.05.2024 (?)

Location: IEC - International Exhibition Centre

Official website:

PH – Public Health
31st International Medical Exhibition

⇒ Public Health venue: IEC–International Exhibition Centre, 15, Brovarsky Prospect, Kiev, Ukraine
⇒ google maps IEC

!!! Public Health 2021 Exhibitor List 

Romanian Companies at Public Health / MTEC Kiev during 2018-2020:
2020:  Sfantul Nicolae Pitesti oncology hospital,
2019: (📸poze): Micromedica medical center; Dorna Medical medical center Vatra Dornei; Praxioptic ophthalmology clinic Radauti;  Clinica Tineretii Focsani; Dr. Ianosi medical center Craiova; Policlinica Sf. Ioan Baia Mare; Manitou MED Satu Mare;
2018: Rocomedicor medical center Constanta

The official representative in Romania of PUBLIC HEALTH exhibition, provides free of charge support to the Romanian companies for organizing the participation as exhibitors at exhibition:
► customized cost offer
► booking the stand location with good visibility within the fair
► registration of the participation documents at the exhibition centre
► assistance for the stand design and construction
► entry in the Exhibition Catalogue
► badges for the exhibiting companies’ members
► providing information regarding the participation rules

Main sectors of the PUBLIC HEALTH exhibition:

👉P H & MTEC 2020
download the Post Show Report 
156 exhibiting companies
6047 Visitors
52 Scientific events, Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
CATALOGUE of Public Health 2020 

👉P H & MTEC editia 2019
 download the Post Show Report 2019
289 exhibiting companies from Austria, India, China, Latvia, Germany,Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Czech Republic, Hungary, Georgia, Ukraine
9458 visitors: Distributors and Dealers, Importers, Chief Doctors of Hospitals, Hospitals Purchase Departments, Practitioners Doctors, Laboratories, Hospital Nursing Staff, Authorities of Public Health, Mayors of Region Cities, Ministry of Health,
39 Scientific events, Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
CATALOGUE of Public Health 2019  including the 7 Romanian companies

Public Health Kyiv video   Public Health photo gallery                        

Exhibtion schedule for visitors:
October 6nd 10:00 – 18:00
October 7rd 10:00 – 18:00
October 8th 10:00 – 16:00
🧐 INFO for VISITORS🧐click here 
🔎 Info for Exhibitors, please contact us: 

diagnostic instruments and devices
X-ray equipment
computer tomographs
electrical medical instruments and installations
endoscopic equipment and accessories
mechanical devices
therapeutic devices
orthopedics and rehabilitation
sports medicine
consumer goods and products for medical practice and hospitals
equipment for doctor’s offices, treatment facilities and hospitals
equipment for sanatoria and balnearies
designing and construction of clinics
IT technologies in medicine
medical tourism

medical laboratory
laboratory machinery
laboratory equipment
laboratory medicine
newest testing technologies

modern hospital: management, security, usage of new technologies in hospital
innovation in medicine: diagnosis, treatment, scientific research and development

diagnostics (laboratory studies, full body diagnostics: ultrasonic, CT etc.)
treatment at specialised clinics abroad and in Ukraine
rehabilitation, recovery, relaxation

pharmaceutical substances and raw materials
biologically active and food supplements, natural products
children’s nutrition
goods for children and newborns
mineral waters: curative and table
furniture of pharmacies
information technologies in pharmaceutics

equipment for drug preparation and manufacture
raw materials and ingredients
complex lines
laboratory equipment, quality control
packaging and packaging equipment
“clean premises”
“turnkey” projects
equipment for waste utilization, sewage and air purification
equipment to manufacture cosmetic products
logistics, warehouse, software

Equipment and apparatus for ophthalmologist’s consulting rooms
Diagnostic equipment
Laser ophthalmological equipment
Surgical equipment & apparatus
Correctional equipment
Tools & spare parts
Equipment for salesrooms
Equipment for repair shops, spare parts for ophthalmological equipment and machines
Machines for lenses manufacture
Ocular lenses, sets of lenses and prisms
Optics for correction, eye protection and research
Contact lenses and care products for contact lenses
Ocular prostheses
Ophthalmic ointments, gels, eye drops, solutions, vitamins for eyes

resuscitation motor vehicles, ambulances
mobile laboratories
mobile medical posts, blood transfusion stations
mobile hospitals
protective means
transportation means
means of communication and announcement
individual protective means
urgent means to help sufferers

equipment for sanatoria, balnearies, cosmetic clinics, SPA-parlors
medical and cosmetic clinics
new technologies for curative, instrumental cosmetology
curative cosmetics
esthetic medicine

dental units
dental instruments
dental and X-ray equipment
implantation equipment and materials
autoclaves and sterilizers, anesthetic means
dental drugs
modern dental consumables
dental furniture

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